Almost Heaven Amber Ale

Craft BeerWest VirginiaWV Barrel Trail

Beer elves celebrate in Thomas, WV

The beer elves are already celebrating in West Virginia’s high country this season. Santa “Beer” Claus left an early present at Mountain State Brewing Company in Thomas. 

winter beer festival banner

Craft BeerFestivalsWest Virginia

Winter beer festivals on tap for WV

Don’t let the cold weather deter you from attending one of West Virginia’s winter beer festivals this season. These indoor festivals provides a nice warm atmosphere to complement the tasty cold craft beers.

Craft BeerWest Virginia

Tap takeover: an important tool for craft beer growth

Even in a small-market state such as West Virginia, literally hundreds of different beers are available to bars and retailers. New products enter the market every month.  Craft beer drinkers like to try new products, but are hesitant to buy a whole six-pack… Continue Reading…

Craft BeerWest VirginiaWV Barrel Trail

Funk emanates from Abolitionist Ale Works in Charles Town

A different kind of brewery is in the works for West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle. When it opens in Charles Town in early 2017, Abolitionist Ale Works will be the first brewery in the state to feature beer fermented in oak… Continue Reading…

Craft BeerRoad Trips

Country Boy Brewing good choice for road trip

A road trip over to Lexington, Kentucky can pay unexpected benefits to craft beer drinkers. In recent years, the city has experienced a brewery explosion to add to its long-time stalwart Alltech Lexington Brewing Company. Newer operations such as Country… Continue Reading…

Dobra Zupas' Redden

Craft BeerWest VirginiaWV Barrel Trail

Dobra Zupas’ Redden changing people’s ideas about selling craft beer

What’s it like running a nano-brewery in Beckley, WV? “It’s challenging,” says Dobra Zupas brewer Steve Redden. “It’s definitely made me step my game up because with the small system, it really makes you put your best into every keg.

Black Draft gains

DistilleriesWest VirginiaWV Barrel Trail

Black Draft gains momentum in regional whiskey market

The last time I wrote about Black Draft Distillery, a little farm-based operation near Martinsburg, WV, they were just announcing their expansion plans. Well, the expansion is complete, and things are looking great.

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