Coal Country cup

Craft BeerHomebrewingWest Virginia

A dark brown beer day ends brightly

West Virginia’s largest homebrew competition concluded this past Saturday with some exceptional brown brews taking home the medals. The annual Coal Country Brewers’ Cup focuses on stouts and porters of all shades and types. Earning first place in the Porter… Continue Reading…

Craft BeerHomebrewingNewsWest Virginia

Homebrew club makes magic with Avalon malt

This week, Charleston, West Virginia, was awash in beers made with the new Avalon malt. The beers were featured at the Kanawha Valley Homebrew Club’s (KVHC) brewing with regionally-sourced malt competition. Sixteen entries, all made with at least 80 percent… Continue Reading…

HomebrewingWest Virginia

May the fourth be with you

On May 4, homebrewers around the world will get together to celebrate Big Brew 2024. Big Brew is an annual celebration on the first Saturday of May that commemorates National Homebrew Day. It encourages beer enthusiasts and homebrewers from all… Continue Reading…

Coal country brewing competition

Craft BeerHomebrewing

Charleston hosts Coal Country Brewer’s Cup

CHARLESTON, WV—Homebrewers from across the state competed last Saturday in the 2024 Coal Country Brewer’s Cup. This year the annual homebrew competition drew 46 entries from 31 homebrewers. Entrants submitted their beers for evaluation by a panel of judges accredited… Continue Reading…

Craft BeerHomebrewingNews

KV Homebrew Lawnmower beers

Kanawha Valley Homebrew Club members held their annual club picnic and summer beer competition on Saturday, and it was a fun one. The theme: Lawnmower Beer. Following indulgence in a delicious picnic food spread, the beer competition began. Each club… Continue Reading…

Craft BeerHomebrewingNewsWest Virginia

Big Brew 2023 this Saturday

On Saturday, May 6, a couple of West Virginia homebrew clubs will be holding brewing events for Big Brew for National Homebrew Day. Homebrew-curious folks and club members are invited to attend. Big Brew is the annual event established by… Continue Reading…


Coal Country Cup seeks entries

West Virginia’s premier homebrew competition these days is the Coal Country Brewers Cup, which is coming up soon in Elkins. Consistent with its name, the Coal Country competition is limited to dark beers, including porters and stouts. This year, the… Continue Reading…

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