big brew day

Big Brew 2017 WV Roundup

Homebrewing in West Virginia is going strong these days.

West Virginia homebrewing clubs are participating in this year’s national Big Brew Day by hosting activities around the state. If you’ve recently gotten into the craft beer revolution and wondered how good beer is made, these events are for you.

Big Brew events typically have folks brewing beers using everything from inexpensive extract kits to all-grain, pro-style methodology. Big Brew Day is also a great time to meet up with other beer enthusiasts and share a few beers, whether homebrews or commercial brews. If you do drop by one of the events, it’s usually appropriate to bring along a beer or two from your personal stash for sharing.

Big Brew Day, promoted nationally by the American Homebrewers Association, sees hundreds of bars, breweries, shops, and homebrew clubs nationwide hosting their local communities to brew on-site for a national, same-day homebrewing session.

Simultaneous worldwide toast

At noon CDT, all homebrewers and beer lovers across the globe are encouraged to raise their glass in a simultaneous toast to the hobby, which is enjoyed by of thousands all over the world. In West Virginia the simultaneous toast occurs at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

Big Brew Day is set each year on the first Saturday in May and is held in honor of National Homebrew Day, which is May 7.

The featured beer recipes this year are:

West Virginia Big Brew event listings

Big Brew Day
GHHA members do Big Brew in Teays Valley this year.

Several Big Brew and National Homebrew Day events are set for West Virginia locations.

Wheeling Alers

Saturday, May 6.
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Brew Keepers, 2200 Main St., Wheeling

Four different brewing demonstrations. Club member P.J. McDermott wrote this invitation on Facebook:
“Coming up on Saturday. Come down to Brew Keepers and learn what brewing beer is all about. Free event!”

More Information: use club Twitter page

Morgantown Society of Homebrewers – MASH

May 6th, SaturdayBig Brew Day Event
9:00 AM-6:00 PM.
At a club member residence

Expect some fun and serious brewing. Additional Information: contact Luke Smith [] or Bryce Capodieci []

Greater Huntington Homebrewers Association – GHHA

May 6th, Big Brew Day @ Teays Valley
at Alan Gawthrop’s residence. 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
1040 Marina Drive, Hurricane, WV

Charleston and Huntington area beer fans and homebrewers will converge in Teays Valley for a Big Brew event. Bring some food & beverage to share if you wish. Everyone welcome to drop by for either a brief visit or to stay all day.

Additional Information: Email Allen at

Harrison County Homebrewers Club

Sat., May 6 at 11:00 AM until late afternoon for Big Blur Day 
Veteran’s Memorial Park, Clarksburg, WV

Come for brewing, charcoal grills, and bottle share. More information: see Club Facebook page

Fairmont Hombrewers Club

May 6 at 7:00 AM to early afternoon
Held at club member’s house in Fairmont

Expecting at least 6 brewers to participate along with several others that just want to be a part of it. Bring beers to share if you like and also a snack to share if possible. Come anytime after 7am or so and should be finished early afternoon.

More Information: contact Josh Clarke at or stop by the Rambling Root restaurant in downtown Fairmont.

8th Annual Appalachian Brew Club IPA Throwdown

Sunday, May 7
Awards ceremony kicks off at 4:00 PM
Big Timber Brewing Company Taproom, Elkins, WV

Appalachian Brew ClubAnnouncement of the winners of the 8th Annual Appalachian Brew Club IPA Throwdown takes place on Sunday, May 7. This is the first year the contest has been sanctioned by the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). It accepted homebrew entires from around the state that will be judged on Sunday prior to the awards ceremony.

Additional information at

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