Coal Country Cup seeks entries

West Virginia’s premier homebrew competition these days is the Coal Country Brewers Cup, which is coming up soon in Elkins.

Consistent with its name, the Coal Country competition is limited to dark beers, including porters and stouts. This year, the competition is hosted by the Appalachian Brew Club in Elkins and is sanctioned by the American Homebrewers Association. Registration is now open, with the entry deadline being March 4, 2023.


Entries Sought

Coal Country is accepting entries in three categories.

1. Porters

BJCP Styles 9C Baltic Porter; 13C English Porter; 20A American Porter; and 27A Historical Beer-Pre-Prohibition Porter

2. Stouts

BJCP Styles 15B Irish Stout; 15C Irish Extra Stout; 16A Sweet Stout; 16B Oatmeal Stout; 16 C Tropical Stout; 16D Foreign Extra Stout; 20B American Stout; and 20C Imperial Stout

3. Specialty Porters and Stouts

Any stout or porter beers brewed with added adjuncts and/or those smoked, spiced, or wood aged.

Competition Judging

Judging takes place at 12:00 Noon on March 11 at El Gran Sabor, 413 Kerens Ave., Elkins. One brewer may enter up to two beers, but each entry must be in a different one of the three categories. The entry fee is $10 or the first entry and $5 for the second. Medals will be awarded to the winning beers.

Competition details including how to enter, are available at: Coal Country Brewers Cup Competition Website (https://appalachianbrewclub/comp2/)

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