Charleston festival Foams over

The Foam at the Dome craft beer festival was a big hit Saturday as breweries from across the state and region offered up some delicious brews to a thirsty throng.

A big crowd of Charleston area craft beer fans packed the boulevard in front of the State Capitol Building to sample hundreds of different beers, ciders, seltzers, and other beverages. They weren’t disappointed.

P-51 is No. 1

The Kanawha Valley Homebrew Club handled the judging to determine the best beers of the fest. Each brewer could enter one beer, and when the judging was complete, Chuck’s P-51 Porter from Fife Street Brewing took top honors. Second place went to The Peddler brewery for its Cardi C Sour IPA. Bad Shepherd Beer Company’s Chuck Norris Pants IPA placed third. Our congratulations to the winning brewers.

Foam at the Dome first place beer was Chuck’s P-51 Porter from Fife Street Brewing.
Foam’s leader, Ric Cavender, (center) presents Fife Street Brewing the award for having the best beer of the festival. Fife’s Lisa Godwin and Jody Driggs accept the award.


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One comment on “Charleston festival Foams over

Rob Drewery

Damn Charles, I missed this, so hopefully next yeae for sure. Quite the amazing brewers representing WV. Cheers!


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