OktoberWest and Bridge Valley Program
September 27, 2021
Brewing technology program news
New instructors have been hired for the Brewing Technology Program at Bridge Valley Community and Technical College. Alex Durand, general manager at Greenbrier Valley Brewing Company, will be teaching the sensory evaluation course this fall semester. Chris Godwin, a Charleston-based craft beer enthusiast and IT specialist, will be coordinating the college’s brewery apprenticeship program. These new hires by the college come following the departure of the brewery technology program’s director Michael Parsons, who resigned this summer. More info on the program can be found here.
OktoberWest shines in 13th year
OktoberWest is undoubtedly Charleston’s most popular beer-themed festival. Every September, it’s a real boost for the city’s West Side neighborhood known as Elk City. It always has an easy-going, laid-back atmosphere. With all its beer and bands and for-fun competitions, it is certainly one of the the city’s most enjoyable events of the year and one of the top beer-themed festivals in West Virginia.
Unlike several of our other favorite WV beer festivals that are showcases for West Virginia breweries, OktoberWest is more driven by the local beer distributors who go all-out to make this fest a good beer event. You’ll find some beer from WV breweries, but you won’t find all the WV brewers in attendance at OktoberWest. You won’t find the brewers who don’t use beer distributors to market their beer. In fact, we saw only one direct-distributing brewery, Charleston’s Bad Shepherd Beer Company. But what it lacks in local beer presence, OktoberWest makes up for in other beer variety, generous pours, and a super location in the up-and-coming Elk City district.
Beer and food tents line the narrow streets between attractive rows of old buildings, which have now found renewed business life. It’s a showcase for the many new businesses that have popped up in Elk City in recent years. It’s a totally different feel from festivals in more park-like settings. The streets have character,
The cooler, early-fall evening temperatures give attendees and volunteers a spirit lift, unlike the energy drain you often see at sweltering-hot summer festivals. You see more smiles and hear more conversation.
Beer distributors provide the spark and the juice
This festival truly owes its existence to the local beer distributors, including Capitol Beverage, Spriggs Distributing, North Central Distributors, and Mountain State Beverage. Without them, it wouldn’t exist. Capitol Beverage has been working this festival since its beginning many years ago. They all do a fantastic job with the set up and the beer.
Brewery representatives, including Ron Stenger with New Belgium, Josh Holland with Country Boy, and Dakota Farmer with Stone, all helped make OktoberWest a happy place. German-style Oktoberfest hats were distributed by the Samual Adams and Leinenkugal brands. The brewers from Charleston’s only brewery, Bad Shepherd Beer Company, were there and having a great time greeting their beer fans. All in all, a great late September event.
OktoberWest is a fundraising event of the Charleston Main Streets Program.
OktoberWest Images

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