beer education - Photo by Sue Posey

Beer education a nice addition to craft beer bars

Beer education is a nice addition to craft beer bars in our region. Huntington’s Summit Beer Station has been doing an occasional style education and tasting activity for some time. Now it is The Pallet Bar’s turn. Last night their new Beerology series kicked off at the popular Teays Valley craft beer outlet.

beer education

Beerology begins a beer education journey of sorts at The Pallet Bar. Classes are planned on new topics monthly. The opening class featured Lynette Stewart, president of the group, speaking on the processes of brewing and of tasting beer with purpose.

In case you were a beer novice, Stewart took some time to review the brewing process, so folks would all understand some of the important terms and key points in the process.

The tasting portion of the class took the form of a beer flight that covered a range of styles to get everyone started. Attendees were led through the tasting process and the differences in the styles were discussed. Future talks will include sessions on specific styles, pairing, and lots of other fun beer related topics. Cost is $15 per class/per person and includes the beer tasting. Look for information on the classes as they are announced on the Pallet Bar’s Facebook page.

Beer education

“Donovan Reed (Pallet’s bar manager) approached me to do this and I thought it was an amazing idea,” Stewart said. “Last night there were 8 people who attended, some not knowing anything about beer and others who know a lot. Those that attended that I talked to afterward stated they enjoyed it and can’t wait until next month’s class.” 

Follow the Pallet Bar and Summit Beer Station on Facebook to keep up with beer education opportunities.

Ron and Sue Posey and Erin McCoy contributed to this article, including providing the photos.

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