Morgantown Brewing prospers with exotic and crazy beer attitude
November 13, 2020
Polite, mild-mannered Cody Cheesebrough and company aren’t afraid to show their exotic and crazy side. In the roughly two and a half years that Cody and partner Chris DeFazio have owned Morgantown Brewing Company, they’ve let a real zymurlogical freak flag fly.
The guys know what they love to make, and they see what sells. The West Virginia small brewery market is expanding rapidly in directions we could have only dreamed of a few years back. Now the University City is benefitting from the experimentation and skill of the new Morgantown Brewing. From the looks of their beer list, Leave no stone unturned could be their brewing motto.
On Episode 20 of West Virginia Beer Roads, Cody Cheesebrough talks about the current state of Morgantown Brewing — its business philosophy, its beer line-up, and its plans for growth.
YouTube Video
Audio Podcast

We think Cody was one of our most entertaining and forthcoming interviews yet. Very honestly, he provided us insight as to what it’s like running an historic brewpub in Morgantown and trying to keep it relevant and in business through the pandemic. His optimism shines through and is encouraging to the brewing community in the state.
Check out our article from 2018 about how fairly recent WVU grads Cody and Chris ended up buying Morgantown Brewing.
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